Scope of Services



-   Develop school and program applications for national, state and local awards

-   Develop school brand and marketing plan to ensure student enrollment

-   Secure funds for schools from grants, foundations, and corporate sponsors


-    Align curriculum development with National and State Educational Standards

-    Provide support for accreditation process, preparation and committee visitation

-    Provide resources for national research-based programs for curriculum and instruction

-    Develop curriculum for all art and design courses

-    Provide resources for national research-based programs for curriculum and instruction

-    Develop resources for infusion of the arts across the curriculum

-    Develop progression of courses in sequential format for all academic subject areas

-    Develop curriculum that meets state graduation requirements

-    Develop a scope and sequence for content area subjects

-    Implement field trips and other educational opportunities for experiences beyond the classroom

-    Develop Honors, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate Programs in selected subjects

-    Implement field trips and other educational opportunities for experiences beyond the classroom

-    Interpret student achievement data for the charter school application to the local school board

-    Assist with the development of an annual School Improvement Plan

-    Develop curriculum for English as a Second Language and Special Education

-    Coordinate a dual enrollment program with local colleges and universities

-    Develop an internship program for all seniors in a specific academic art and design field

-    Design Portfolio Preparation program for middle and high school students

Resources, Materials and Supplies

-    Provide textbook selection in all subject areas

-    Provide materials selection in all subject areas

-    Assist in the selection of materials, equipment, and supplies in all areas

-    Provide online resources for all subject areas

Global Connections

-    Develop global connection student exchange programs with sister school partnerships

-    Develop art and art history study programs abroad

-    Develop school foreign language programs and resources

-    Develop programs for infusing global educational education across the curriculum

Student Services

-    Provide a progressive student services program for academics and portfolio development

-    Provide a College Assistance Program plan for college admission and scholarships

-    Provide initiatives for student activities, clubs and organizations


-    Assist in master plan of architectural design of classrooms, studios and administrative areas

-    Recommend equipment and furniture for all areas

Human Resources

-    Provide professional development for the implementation of curriculum in the academic and arts

-    Assist in the selection of faculty and adjunct professors

-    Develop a recruitment program and criteria for admission for eligible students

Public Relations 

-    Develop school brand for recognition, marketing and recruitment

-    Develop an articulation plan with feeder schools to support enrollment with a diverse population

-    Develop a community-based Advisory Board to support school vision in academics, art and design

-    Develop a community support business team for the school